Something happened and I'm not exactly sure when it occurred and why I didn't notice it. It didn't just happen to me, but to my husband as well. No one gave us a heads up, posted a warning sign on our front door or whispered the words "new traffic pattern ahead." Nope, we didn't see this coming at all! And so I'm sure you're asking what didn't we see? What caught us totally off guard? One of our three children has become.......has become....a TEENAGER!!!!! It seems like only yesterday that we were "oohhing" and "ahhing" over our first baby. Back then I thought my biggest challenge was nursing and getting him to sleep through the night. I had absolutely no idea that the teen years would be, what I jokingly refer to as "my graying years." Pause right now. Stop reading and go thank your mother that you are still alive :-). Seriously! While I do remember my aunts and older family members (who were empty neste...