I must admit I've spent way too much time on Facebook this summer. Confession...I have a Facebook tab up right now as I type this post. It's not like it's a crime or anything, but IMO it is a total time sucker-upper (if there is such a word). What is it about scrolling through your news feed, liking posts, watching videos and reading your friends' vent sessions that keeps us coming back each and every day, hour on the hour, minute by minute? Why is it so addicting? I don't have a beef with social media. Really I don't. I use it, and I know it's what we do now. It's cool! But, part of me despises it for the hidden competition that it initiates. You know...the #mylifeisbetterthanyours type of competition. I call this the "Faces of Facebook." I mean it's all really a facade, right? We only see a snapshot of what our peeps want us to see, but this quick view can cause you to feel some kinda way...if you let it. ...