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Queens Wear More Than Crowns

“I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.” ~Audre Lorde Recently someone on my Instagram timeline shared this quote by Audre Lorde, and I couldn't help but feel empowered. To be intentional about everything and fearless is the epitome of #BlackGirlMagic, right?  Yet, as much as I wanted to snap a screenshot and make this post my newest wallpaper something inside of me wouldn’t allow me to fully embrace such a bold statement.  Why not?  Am I not a queen?  I believe that I am.  I claim that I am when I’m belting out a Beyonce, Rihanna or Jill Scott song in my car.  Yet, I am also very much aware that queens often times wear more than crowns. Queens, like me, are in fact fearful when it comes to the assurance of knowing that our Black men and boys will live out the days of their lives.  Queens, like me, only breathe a little more easier when our sons text at the end of the day just to say, “Mom, I’m home.” Queens, like me, know that love...b...
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Who you callin' old? Not me!

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