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Class Reunion Blues

July has been an especially busy month for me and my family.  Between work, summer camps, football workouts, family reunions, sorority reunions and other impromptu events, downtime has been a welcome addition to our schedule.  Honestly, it seems like summer just started!  It's hard to believe that we're gearing up for yet another school year.

Being a teacher, summer break takes on a whole different meaning; whereas, if I were just donning my mommy hat, I'd be totally elated that school is almost in session (just keepin' it real).  But, for real, I almost shriek in horror when I see back to school commercials on T.V., and the store displays seem to be taunting me as a constant reminder that time is winding up.

Before I can say farewell to the "summer of reunions," I have one more gathering to attend.  My 20 year class reunion!  It's crazy that it's been 20 years since I graduated from high school.  With the reunion approaching next week, I can't help but to reflect on everything that has changed in 20 years...including me.  When I think about my 18-year old self, I remember a young lady with BIG dreams.  I was gonna to change the world.  I was gonna to work for Black Entertainment Television (BET).  I was gonna be so freakin' famous!  The thing is...when you're standing on the precipice between childhood and adulthood, you are so FEARLESS!  You believe that you are invincible and that NO-THING can stand in your way.  Of course, you have a limited view of the world as a high-schooler, but you have a ginormous (gigantic + enormous) amount of faith in yourself and your talents.

So, as this reunion comes speeding toward me like a freight train, I can't help but to ask myself, "Did you do what you set out to do?  Did you make a difference?  Were you a "Girl on Fire" (hey, hey #aliciakeys)?"

No, I'm not working for a major television network or a regular attendee at all the awards shows, but I believe I have made a difference in the lives of the most important people in my life.  My husband and children.  The difference between Shana circa 1995 and Shana circa 2015 (besides physical differences....<le sigh> day I'm gonna get back in those size 10 jeans!) is that I have experienced life and many of the ups and downs it can bring.  Every day has not been perfect, and there are certainly moments where I've wanted to throw in the towel!  I could easily cry the blues about what I shoulda, coulda, woulda did, but what purpose would that serve?

Next weekend, I'm gonna walk up in my reunion with a smile on my face and absolutely no regrets. So what if my plan was to be back at my high school size before this day came?  So what if I'm not rich and famous?  So what if I didn't actually marry Denzel Washington?  LOL.

I love my matter how crazy it can be, and I'm more than blessed to be able to reunite with my classmates and friends because for some of our classmates this isn't even a possibility.

So, in the words of #JillScott, "I'm livin' my life, like it's GOLDEN!"

Peace & Blessings!
