July has been an especially busy month for me and my family. Between work, summer camps, football workouts, family reunions, sorority reunions and other impromptu events, downtime has been a welcome addition to our schedule. Honestly, it seems like summer just started! It's hard to believe that we're gearing up for yet another school year. Being a teacher, summer break takes on a whole different meaning; whereas, if I were just donning my mommy hat, I'd be totally elated that school is almost in session (just keepin' it real). But, for real, I almost shriek in horror when I see back to school commercials on T.V., and the store displays seem to be taunting me as a constant reminder that time is winding up. Before I can say farewell to the "summer of reunions," I have one more gathering to attend. My 20 year class reunion! It's crazy that it's been 20 years since I graduated from high school. With the reunion approaching next week, I can't...